




A. M.There are lots of problems in Italy (relatively to the top countries in the world) but I'm still proud of the fact that even if Italy is relatively small, still it's the 8th largest economy in the world and this was accomplished almost completely through industry, design, research, tourism and hard work in general. All of that without ever stealing resources from colonies (except for a very short period when Italy had a small colonial empire), without being a tax haven for the rich, without basing its entire economy on speculation and finance and almost without having natural resources. Just a big economic and industrial boom after ww2. I know that there are some countries economically better than Italy but I think the countries with comparable size that accomplished that wealth just through hard work like Italy are very few与世界最先进的几个国家相比,意大利依然还存在很多的问题,但即便意大利相对体量较小但依然是第八大经济体,我为此感到自豪,意大利的成就完全是通过工业,设计,研发,旅游业和努力工作获得的。意大利的成就不是通过偷取殖民地资源(除了非常短暂的殖民帝国时期),也不是通过作为富人避税天堂来实现的,意大利的整个经济也不是建立在投机和金融基础之上的,而且这个国家还没有自然资源。二战之后意大利的经济和工业获得了蓬勃发展。我知道有些国家经济发展的比意大利好,但我认为体量与意大利相当且像意大利这样努力工作获得如此财富的国家是非常少的

McnelloItaly’s young are leaving in droves because there is no opportunity there.意大利的年轻人正成群结队地离开,因为在那里没有机会。

A. M.@Mcnello that's why I wrote that Italy has lots of problems所以我才会在上面写道意大利有很多的问题

genofun fact: walmart's revenue would put it at rank 26, above thailand and below belgium有趣的是,沃尔玛的收入可以让它排在第二十六位,高于泰国,低于比利时

Elon MusKApple would be put at rank 8, above Italy and below France, with 2.7T in market cap苹果的市值为2.7万亿美元,排名第八,高于意大利,低于法国

Shadow XRevenue is not equivalent to gdp收入并不等于GDP

Scott WhitleyJust shows you how unequal the US is. A sext few billionaires have a massive proportion of the wealth. The US is good if you are rich, but a shit place to be if you aren’t.这说明了美国是多么的不平等。极少数的亿万富翁拥有巨大的财富比例。如果你有钱,那么美国很好,如果你没有钱,那么美国就什么也不是

hecc meWalmart declares independence沃尔玛宣布独立

Rene KuipersVitueel money .Tesla is 100 times bigger in the stock than Volkswagen.Tesla produce 10 procent of Volkswagen..Not real money.特斯拉的市值是大众的一百倍,但特斯拉生产的汽车只有大众的10%,市值不代表真正的财富原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

shihab hosseanthanks to India to help us in 1971 war. love from bangladesh.感谢印度在1971年的战争中帮助我们,来自孟加拉的爱

Amey B$410 Billion in just 50 years is massively impressive. Congratulations from India.在短短五十年的时间里,就达到了4100亿美元的GDP,这是非常了不起的成就,来自印度的祝贺

KubeQ Kawy ᨆFunfact: Goverment of Tuvalu couldn’t afford to pay 100k$ joining fee to join un for a long time有趣的是,图瓦卢政府长期支付不起联合国10万美元的入会费。

UrLocalPeacekeeperoh that sounds somewhat funny and sad. Probably tourism and fishing didn't go so well at the time.哦,这听起来有点滑稽和悲伤。可能当时他们的旅游业和渔业发展的不顺利。

Lee Everett@UrLocalPeacekeeper they got rich bcoz of internet, now theyre in UN and get 5mln from internet.他们因为互联网而致富,现在他们已经进入了联合国,每年从互联网中获得500万美元

Ex-President TrumpWhy does the UN have a joining fee lmao为什么联合国会有入会费

AgateTheGreat@Ex-President Trump idk lol我不知道哈哈

somerandompolishdude@Ray Colin they get that money because of the .tv domain that a bunch of companies paid to use他们得到这笔钱是因为.tv的域名,很多公司都必须付费使用。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Tomasz DudaIf the Polish economy continues to develop so quickly, in about 10 years we will be in the top 20 in the world :) Pretty good for a medium-sized country that was under the foot of the USSR 30 years ago. There is still a lot of work to do, but we can do it.如果波兰经济继续像这样快速发展的话,那么大约十年后我们就能进入世界前20,这对于三十年前还处于苏联统治下的中等规模国家来说已经是很不错了。依然还有很多的工作要做,但我们能够做到

Anand GaneshA whole bunch of asian countries are exploding in terms of their economies. Even the uk may fall out of the top ten by 2040 or so. It's kinda unlikely that Poland will be in the top 20. 8 or 9 of the top ten largest economies of the world will be asian within the next twenty years or so.一大群亚洲国家经济都在迅猛发展,到2040年左右甚至就连英国都有可能会跌出世界前十大经济体之列。波兰不太可能进入世界前20,在未来20年的时间里,世界前十大经济体中将有八到九个来自亚洲国家。

AndrewLove to see my Romania keep on growing.很高兴看到我的国家罗马尼亚继续发展

Αλί "Kαρασυ" ΧηανGDP per capita is the real wealth indicator.人均GDP是真正的财富指标。

Kid Teach Uor the human index graph或者人类发展指数原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Saurabh MishraGDP PPP is the real wealth indicator of a country as a whole.购买力平价GDP才是一个国家真正的财富指标

Αλί "Kαρασυ" Χηαν@Saurabh Mishra , lmao, living in Iran is better than israel, nice joke生活在伊朗要比生活在以色列好,不错的笑话原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

John XinaNo it not. Qatar is no 1 in per capita but there are still many unemployment, labour and homeless不,人均GDP不能反应国家的富裕程度。卡塔尔是人均GDP最高的国家,但依然还有很多人失业和无家可归。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Αλί "Kαρασυ" Χηαν@John Xina Qatar unemployment: 3,3%. My homeland Italy: 9,2% (2020).卡塔尔失业率是3.3%,我的祖国意大利2020年失业率是9.2%

Facundo@John Xina ??? Qatar its like #25卡塔尔人均GDP世界排名第二十五

Dion FebrianIndia said "PPP more accurate" because if measures by PPP terms India is 3rd (after China & US)印度说,购买力平价更加准确,因为如果按照购买力平价计算,印度就是世界第三大经济体,仅次于中国和美国

ClearEmpyreanPretty sad, my country used to be 41st rank but now dropped to 47th.悲哀的是,我的国家曾经排在第41,现在下降到了第47原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

manolo pistolasStill love u from Mexico依然爱你,来自墨西哥Fox狐

Well, I'm also sad as my countries GDP ranking is still 3rd. (I'm Japanese that is learning English)我也很难过,因为我的国家日本的GDP依然还是第三,我是日本人,现在在学英语

Scyphen Skull@Fox狐 do you really think Japan can beat china or the USA?你真的认为日本可以超过中国和美国吗?原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

ROBOTICS@Fox狐 guys you need to maintain your population growth upto 2.1%. Japan's population is decreasing which not good for a country to grow.Or you should open up your country more for talented and hardworking immigrants just like usa did.日本需要将人口出生率达到2.1%,日本人口正在下降,这对于国家发展不利,或者你们应该像美国一样,打开国门,引进有才华又勤劳的移民

De MunishMy country 33rd rank我的国家排名第33名原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Pawel JESCWow! Poland is already 23!哇,波兰已经进入前23了

Amey BGood luck Poland!from India .祝你好运波兰,来自印度

Pawel JESC@Amey B thank you! Sending love to India from Poland!谢谢,爱印度,来自波兰

Condog KillerCongratulationLove from S.Korea祝贺,来自韩国的爱

Navneet ParmarGermany and japan are in top five even after loosing world wars即便输了世界大战,德国和日本也进入了世界前五

Pedro NagiGermany will overtake Japan's economy soon.德国经济马上就会超过日本

Amey B@Pedro Nagi Nah Germany too got ageing population and the difference is still $1.5 trillion.德国也有老龄化人口,两国经济规模差距依然有1.5万亿美元。

WIFI_SOLDIER@Amey B india will take the 3rd spot by 2030.到2030年,印度会成为世界第三大经济体

Amit Singh@WIFI_SOLDIER hope so希望如此

Tobi@MontyWhat?Germany was industrialized long before ww1.德国在一战之前就已经是工业化国家了

guppy719@WIFI_SOLDIER I remember when India Said it would be a super power by 2020, good luck but don't get your hopes up.我记得印度说过印度会在2020年成为超级大国,祝你好运,但不要抱有太大希望

Tobi@MontyImperial Germany had the 2nd biggest economy in the world.德意志帝国当时是世界第二大经济体

Oscar LeonMarshall Plan saved their economies, it wasn't as if they did the work all alone with their economic systems马歇尔计划拯救了它们的经济,它们可以实现这样的成就并不是完全依靠自己的经济体系。

Yanked Honor@WIFI_SOLDIER India have a high spot due to its population印度排名靠前是因为人口多

yu fanAmerican help them at same time它们同时获得了美国的帮助

Sᴀᴠᴀɢᴇ_ʙᴀʟʟɪᴋᴀ@guppy719 becoming super power is not so easy , but you should also see that India is 2 largest global manufacturing hub now .要想成为超级大国不是那么容易的,但你也应该看到印度现在是全球两大制造业中心之一。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

SimSimiッIf Brazil embraced the Free Market, I'm sure the country would be in the Top 5°如果巴西拥抱自由市场,那么我肯定这个国家一定可以进入世界前五

alexIn2010 our gdp was less than 150bnNow our gdp is more than 400 bn.Much better than pakistan and Myanmar.2010年我们的GDP不到1500亿美元现在我们的GDP是4000多亿美元比巴基斯坦和缅甸好多了。

Kaktus189Czechia never had 270B GDP, the most was around 250B捷克的GDP从来没有到达过2700亿美元,最多只有2500亿美元

vitor garciaFun fact: If Apple was a country they've got 6th position in GDP有趣的是如果苹果是一个国家的话,那么它们可以排在世界第六

Roland ZarkaUK GDP can't be 5 th, after the collapse in pandemic period, And its growth in 2021 has not been as important as the others. IMF predicts that Uk GDP will be seventh in 2023.在疫情期间英国经济崩溃,不可能排在排在第五,英国2021年的发展速度没有其他国家那么快,国际货币基金组织预测英国的GDP会在2023年排在世界第七。

Shock ShplockThe IMF isn’t always correct and current predictions still place The UK in 5th place as of 2022.国际货币基金组织并不总是正确的,目前的预测认为到2022年英国依然还是世界第五。

004 Akash Goswami@Shock Shplock India will overtake soon印度很快就会超过英国

004 Akash Goswami@Smoke Cigs we are working hard to beat USA and China我们正在努力打败美国和中国原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Smoke Cigs@Aryan Rajput still richer than India India population like 14 times that of UK and UK still richer英国依然比印度富裕,印度人口是英国的十四倍,英国更加的富裕

004 Akash Goswami@Smoke Cigs wait for 5 years only and see what will happen buddy再等五年,看看到时候会发生什么原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Arthur SmithGDP of China in 2021 is 17.7 trillion dollars, not the forecasting number in the beginning of last year. The gap is too much.中国2021年的GDP是17.7万亿美元,和去年初预测的数字不一样,两者差距太大了沈諭吉

I think it's about 17.2 trillion dollars,Thank you for your correction我认为是大约17.2万亿美元,谢谢你的纠正

Sahil Singh 02@沈諭吉 pretty sure it's around 17.6 trillion我很肯定是17.6万亿美元左右

MURU GAMINGIt's crazy how Elon musk net worth is more than most of these country's GDPs埃隆·马斯克的净资产比大部分这些国家的GDP还高,这太疯狂了

Itzarix Xavlystrange that Indonesia really likes the 16th place in almost any field in the military too奇怪的是印尼几乎在所有领域都排在第十六名,在军事领域也一样

Castle AIThe UK saw huge growth in 2021 despite Brexit and Covid-19.尽管受到脱欧和新冠疫情的影响,但英国在2021年依然实现了增长

WoShiNiDieHey, Cuba is really a pity, I sincerely hope that Cuba’s economy can get better古巴真的很遗憾,我真的希望古巴的经济能够好起来

MJIraq having the world's fourth largest oil supply..Iraq's economy伊拉克拥有世界第四大石油储备,但它的经济,,

unx Jack (Looney Commando) [AIPL]Proud to be a Bangladeshi为身为孟加拉人而骄傲

vysakh aloneMy nation now on no.6... One day we will be no1...I love my mothernationINDIA我的国家现在排名第六,但总有一天会成为世界第一的,我爱我的国家,印度原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Efan LemonThis list ignores the fact the UK is four separate countries so here's the details :England GDP - 1.8 TrillionScotland GDP - 205 BillionWales GDP - 105 BillionNorthern Ireland GDP - 47 BillionAll in dollars这个名单忽略了一个事实,那就是英国是由四个独立的国家组成的,以下是这四个国家GDP的详细情况:英格兰GDP是1.8万亿美元,苏格兰2050亿美元,威尔士是1050亿美元,北爱尔兰470亿美元。

Castle AIHowever, politically, the UK is a country together.但在政治上英国就是一个统一国家。

You're A FurryThe UK is 1 Country英国是一个国家

Sithartha S GPPP would have been more accurate购买力平价这个指标更加的准确。

FootballmaniaLove from Bangladesh来自孟加拉的爱原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Trilochan KhuntiaPROUD INDIA is 6th most GDP in world印度是世界第六大经济体,为印度骄傲原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Aniruddha ShabadeTop 3rd in 2030.2030年印度是世界第三大经济体原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

BHARAT SINGH SHEKHAWATAnd Still People are saying Modi Didn't do anything!!!依然还有人说莫迪什么都没有做

Obi-Wan-KenobiThe fact that Greenland a country with less than 60 thousand people has a higher GDP than Central African Republic which has 4.83 million shows how poor Central African Republic is人口不到六万的格陵兰的GDP比拥有483万人口的中非共和国还要高,这说明中非共和国是多么的贫穷原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

the sunny boiYeah because less population less poverty是的人口越少就越富裕

Germany ballBecause Greenland is ruled by Denmark因为格陵兰是丹麦的一部分

BeastBall ReturnsBangladesh surpassed South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Colombia, UAE, Philippines, Egypt and Denmark in nominal GDP. In a year Bangladesh has shifted from 44th to 33rd largest economy. It even surpassed India's gdp per capita.孟加拉的名义GDP超过了南非,香港地区,新加坡,马来西亚,哥伦比亚,阿联酋,埃及和丹麦。在一年的时间里,孟加拉从四十四位上升到了三十三,孟加拉的人均GDP甚至超过了印度

Efaz Noor ChowdhuryI am also from Bangladesh!!我也是孟加拉人

byron 2456Nominally yes but the gdp per capita which matters is gdp per capita( ppp) and in that India is still above Bangladesh名义人均GDP孟加拉的确比印度高,但重要的是购买力平价人均GDP,这方面印度依然比孟加拉高。

045 Suraj KumarBangladesh based on PPP terms is $5,733 in 2021 which is nearly 22 per cent lower than India's $7,319按照购买力平价来算,孟加拉2021年的人均GDP是5733美元,比印度的7319美元低22%

broad builderBangladesh also has highest HDI growthNominal per capita 2554 dollarGNI per capita 6300 in 2022Our Literacy rate is 76%Youth literacy rate is 97% (highest among neighbours)Life expectancy 74 years (highest among neighbours)Female participation in economy 37% (highest among neighbours)Females have equal right for election, work and educationGender inequality rank 61 (Top in South Asia)孟加拉拥有最高的人类发展指数;名义人均GDP为2554美元;2022年人均国民总收入6300美元(原文是2022年,或许是笔误),我们的识字率是76%,青年识字率97%,邻国中最高;预期寿命74岁,邻国中最高;妇女经济参与率37%,邻国中最高;女性在教育工作选举中拥有和男性一样的权利,在性别不平等排名中排在第61位,南亚第一

Don FalconFantastic, the future is bright!太棒了,孟加拉前途光明

Evžen VargaThe future looks great for your country.你们国家的未来看起来很美好。

Rahul DasProud to be an Indian.We are in number 6 and hope in next few days overtake England.为身为印度人而骄傲我们是世界第六大经济体,希望未来几年可以超过英国

TohaFormer Colony can't be richer than Britain. (Excepting USA)I saw life in India is absolutely poor前殖民地不可能比英国更加富裕,除美国外我看到印度的生活非常贫穷

DreastEve@Toha Yes bro I agree with youOur Per Capita GDP Is very lowBut our new modern cities are good我同意你的看法,我们的人均GDP很低,但我们有非常好的新建的现代化城市

Rahul Das@Toha Listen bro, yes. England is a rich country.Its development started from 18th century. But India got independence in 1947.But still this country stands at 6th in gdp. It's development just started in 2000.After 15 years how many development we can see. Just imagine....... India has so many potential for its good economy.是的,英国是一个富裕的国家,它的发展始于18世纪,但印度在1947年才获得独立。但尽管如此,印度现在依然成为了世界第六大经济体。印度是从2000年才开始发展的。在15后,我们看到了印度巨大的发展成就。想象一下印度的经济潜力是多么的巨大。

Pramit SamantaThere is nothing to be proud as an Indian. Because the population of China and India is same. But still there is huge gdp gap between those two countries. Chinese should be proud. Not Indians.作为一个印度人,没有什么值得骄傲的。因为中国和印度的人口相同。但这两个国家的GDP有着巨大的差距。应该自豪的是中国人,不是印度人

Rahul Das@Pramit Samanta Maybe there is no Indian blood in your DNA.或许因为你不是印度人

Pramit Samanta@Rahul Das Im Indian. And I will be proud Indian when we will develop like China. If you dont accept the problems you will never find solutions. Jai Hind.我是印度人,但在我们取得中国那样的发展成就时,我才会感到骄傲。如果你不承认这些问题,那么你就永远找不到解决方案。

Toha@Rahul Das I believe India has good potential, but I can't imagine that India become World SuperPower like USA我相信印度拥有巨大的潜力,但我无法想象印度会成为美国那样的超级大国。

Mahir AhmedI am proud to be Bangladeshi为身为孟加拉人而骄傲

NafiBangladesh will overtake india by 2040到2040年孟加拉会超越印度

Jainam Punamiya@Nafi in ur dreams. Only thing Bangladesh has is its textile industry and nothing else. Whereas India has everything. There is no match of Bangladesh with India when it comes to IT industry, manufacturing, automobiles, pharmaceutical etc etc.做梦。孟加拉除了纺织业外,什么都没有。而印度拥有所有产业,在信息技术产业,制造业,汽车生产,制药等方面,孟加拉都无法和印度相提并论。

Doggy BeanDispite having a population of 25 million Australian had the 12th biggest economy!尽管只有2500万人口,但澳大利亚是世界第十二大经济体

Rodro ZilBut she has huge area and longest coastline of any country.但澳大利亚拥有辽阔的国土面积和世界上最长的海岸线

Sandip KHuge land.. plenty of resources... should have been in top 5..澳大利亚有辽阔的国土和丰富的资源,应该进入世界前五才对原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Aria MohagheghSo the world's gdp - Rank1+Rank2+Rank3= 50trillion~half of it世界第一美国加世界第二中国加世界第三日本的GDP为50万亿美元,约等于全球的一半

jorge abraham HernandezAll America would be a single country in the near future the official language would be in Spanish Mexico will be the first world Mexico will be a world power在不久的将来整个美洲将会变成一个国家,官方语言将会变成西班牙语,墨西哥将成为第一世界国家,墨西哥将成为世界强国

md nasirWorld rising star Bangladesh 409 billion dollars economic. In world ranking 33.崛起中的世界新星孟加拉,经济规模4090亿美元,世界排名第33原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Heri SetyawanIndonesia.. Beautiful country印度尼西亚美丽的国家

Alt1f4Brazil was in 9 in 2019 and now it is in 13 :(巴西在2019年是世界第九,现在是第十三

ch nickNigeria GDP will still reach 1 trillion very soon尼日利亚GDP将很快达到1万亿美元

Alexander ZettelAmazing austria so small yet so rich奥地利那么小的国家却那么富裕,真是让人惊讶

prunprun프룬프룬What happened to brazil?I mean they were 7th largest economy in the world.巴西发生了什么?他们之前是世界第七大经济体

Mandrake92Brazil been in and out of recession like 4 times since 08. They just can't seem to get the economy going again. They've also been super hard hit with covid.自2008年以来,巴西经历了4次经济衰退,他们似乎无法让经济再次运转起来。而且巴西还遭受了新冠疫情的沉重打击。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Amey BMiddle income trap.中等收入陷阱

Rashidul IslamBangladesh 409 BillionCongratulations孟加拉GDP4090亿美元,祝贺

dltmdwnfkdldjs#10 s.korea : pretty good for a small country.韩国是世界第十大经济体,对于这样一个小国来说表现得很好了

Loca MochaAt least in terms of population size, it is a larger country than other major countries such as Spain, Canada, and Australia.至少就人口规模而言,韩国要比像西班牙,加拿大和澳大利亚这样的大国大

Ruben Ugalde EspinosaJapan is also very small but rich日本也很小,但很富裕

LouisIf Korea reunited, it is bigger than Britain如果韩国和朝鲜统一的话,那么这个国家将比英国还大

Integrated AfghanistanIndia 6th but in 2025 it will be 3th印度是世界第六大经济体,到2025年印度将成为世界第三大经济体

Francesco Zhoumaybe 4h,but with gdp per capita of 2k-3k2025年印度或许会成为世界第四大经济体,但人均GDP只有两三千美元

Ady SatrioProud to be Indonesian为身为印尼人而骄傲。

Vídeos AleatóriosIs Argentina in 32nd position? Wasn't she one of the 20 largest economies in the world?阿根廷排在第32位?难道阿根廷不是世界第20大经济体吗?

EXCELLENT CLASSESIndia can able to come under in top 3.印度可以成为世界前三大经济体之一

Nizam Uddin UddinBangladesh rank 33孟加拉排名第33

tv trazeiroBrazil IS MY FAVORITE country巴西是我最喜欢的国家

Liol Dé GuesseriaIndia is ranked 6th...That made me happy as an Indian印度排名第六,这让身为印度人的我很高兴

Steve prosciutto8 Is my country Italy我的国家意大利排名第八

broad builderBangladesh outpaced 27 countries in just 15 yearsI'm very fortunate to be born BangladeshiTo be honest Bangladesh is world's fastest growing economy but it needs to grow moreOur country's biggest problem is corruption then unplanned cities, traffic problem and environmental pollutionGovernment has to work on this孟加拉在短短十五年的时间里面就超过了27个国家,我很荣幸能够出生在孟加拉。老实说孟加拉是世界上发展速度最快的经济体,但孟加拉需要发展的更快。我们国家最大的问题就是腐败,然后就是城市没有规划,交通问题和环境污染问题。政府必须致力于解决这些问题。

FeedGyan TvIndia got economically liberalized in 1990 so it's 30 year for us and we have defeated most of the western countries in economy and has taken ourself upto a asian giant just like china , we indians stand for bangladeshis and we want you people to defeat all hurdles and become a asian giant just like india or china,This is asian century印度在1990年实行经济自由化,在之后的三十年里,印度在经济上打败了大部分的西方国家,让自己成为像中国这样的亚洲巨人。我们印度人支持孟加拉人,我们希望你们可以打破所有阻碍,成为像印度或中国这样的亚洲经济巨人。这是亚洲的世纪

DreastEveIndia have more than 3.2 trillion dollar gdp印度的GDP超过3.2万亿美元

Hemant VengurlekarIndia is at 3.6+ trillion rn印度是3.6万亿美元原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

MuSiCpLaYTurkey 850 Billion GDP土耳其GDP为8500亿美元

SiderisM10Elon musk has more money that my country’s GDP.埃隆·马斯克的钱比我们国家的GDP都多

YaoiLoveBLBrazil have 1,6 trillion巴西有1.6万亿美元的GDP

gujarati gamingBro Indian GDP is of 3.1 trillion $ please correct it印度的GDP是3.1万亿美元,请更正

Selvam DineshProud to be a indian in 10 years we will take over Japan and india gdp rank is 3 place为身为印度人而自豪,十年后我们将会超过日本,成为世界第三大经济体

Mʀ TᴀκoʏᴀκιYeh but the living Conditions and Per capita is way far.是的,但生活条件和人均水平依然远远落后日本

maz gamesiam proud that I am from Bangladesh我很骄傲,我是孟加拉人

su binS.KOREA Rank.10!韩国排名第十

Sharma JiLots of love from India来自印度的爱

LouisKorea should be on top 8韩国应该进入世界前八才对

SomeUniqueName KorlelI'm pretty proud that my country is on the high list我很自豪我的国家名列前茅原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

RISHI YTI want my Indian fellows to understand that gdp isn't everything so stop shouting that we're on number 5!! And all we need to rank in HDI (human development index)我希望我的印度同胞们可以明白,GDP并不能代表一切,所以不要在喊什么我们是世界第五了。我们需要的是能够在人类发展指数上获得更高的排名原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Michael AlenMy Bangladesh is now 33rd我们孟加拉排名第33

MiggyAsia:ChinaJapanIndiaSouth KoreaSoutheast Asia:IndonesiaThailandPhilippinesMalaysiaVietnam亚洲:中国,日本,印度,韩国,东南亚:印尼,泰国,菲律宾,马来西亚,越南

newsvarat liveLove u india5th and in 2030 it's 3 rd position爱你印度,印度现在是世界第五大经济体,2030年将是世界第三大经济体

Sproch Honzai pray luck to india, but invest in infrastructure. Its kinda undeveloped.我祝印度好运,但印度应该投注基础设施,印度的基础设施不太发达

Kyril Chadziew11th place? It doesn't really seem like my country is THAT developed我的国家排在第十一?但我的国家看起来不像那么发达

GermanPatriotWow germany is the richest in europe i didnt knew我之前都不知道德国是欧洲最富裕的国家


转载请声明来自:98k源码网 - 人口最多的国家排名2022(人口最多的国家排名2021)


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